Meek Mill is free after five months in jail (the judge has previously ruled he should be incarcerated for 2-4years). That decision has now been overturned by a higher court who ordered an immediate release for Mill earlier in the day.
His release comes as no surprise because he received a lot of high profile visitors in prison and had loads of civil rights activist and celebrities fighting for his release.
His sentence was described by many as unjust and heavy handed comparative to the crime he committed.
He almost became Nelson Mandela while in prison, he was visited by American sports club owners, comedians and even Rev Al Sharpton who worked as adviser to the Obama regime.
Yesterday, a private jet picked him up from prison and headed straight to a basketball game sitting courtside with Kevin Hart and the club owner
Meek Mill released statement after his release
“I’d like to thank God, my family, my friends, my attorneys, my team at Roc Nation including JAY-Z, Desiree Perez, my good friend Michael Rubin, my fans, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court and all my public advocates for their love, support and encouragement during this difficult time
“While the past five months have been a nightmare, the prayers, visits, calls, letters and rallies have helped me stay positive.”
Why was he arrested?

Meek mill and his lawyer before his last sentencing on Nov 2017
He violated his probation. Probation is an American system of releasing prisoners for a brief period of time and watching their behaviour. If you are on probation, any little mistake you make can land you right back into jail.
Well, in 2017 he got into a fight at the airport when he did not want his picture taken plus he was caught on surveillance camera driving his bike recklessly across the streets of Newyork.
JANUARY 2007: Mill is arrested in Philadelphia, charged with assault, drug and gun possession. According to a criminal complaint, he pointed a firearm at a police officer and was forcibly subdued.
AUGUST 2008: Mill is convicted of charges including simple assault, possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, possession of a loaded weapon.
JANUARY 2009: He is sentenced to 11? To 23 months behind bars, seven years of probation.
JUNE 2009: Mill is released from jail after five months and paroled under house arrest. He is given permission to work but is also ordered to earn a high school equivalency diploma and undergo drug treatment.

Instagram / @JustinBieber
DECEMBER 2010- 2012: On multiple occasions, he tests positive for marijuana and opioid use but is not held to be in violation of the terms of his release.
2012: After a court date is rescheduled several times because of Mill’s “unavailability and failure to communicate with his attorney,” the judge writes in a court document, his travel outside Philadelphia is suspended.
MARCH 2013: He is found in violation of probation for traveling outside the city but is not jailed. Instead, he is ordered to enrol in an etiquette course to address “inappropriate social media use and crude language in the courtroom,” court documents state.
Back to jail and the court room;
JULY 2014 He violates probation again, this time for failing to report to his probation officer, making unauthorized travel plans and ignoring the court’s orders. He is returned to jail for about five months and given an additional five years of probation.
DECEMBER 2015: Mill is back in court for his fourth hearing for violations. Authorities say he didn’t report to his probation officer, disobeyed travel restrictions and submitted a sample of cold water for a urine test. A lab technician testifies that Mill told him that the sample was cold because he drank a lot of water. His then-girlfriend, Nicki Minaj, testifies on his behalf. Mill’s attorney says his work in the entertainment business makes it hard for the rapper to comply with orders restricting his travel. Sentencing was scheduled for February.
FEBRUARY 2016: He is sentenced to 90 days house arrest and is required to do community service.
Nov 2017: With all the back and forth with minor offences while still on probation, the Judge sentenced meek mill to two to four years in prison. She cites a failed drug test, failure to comply with an order restricting his travel. His airport fight and for reckless driving in New York City.
Hmmm, it’s fair to say that meek mill looked for trouble, just a little though. Besides the Judge who sentenced him was black, imagine if it were a white woman. We are always quick to scream racism!
He better head to the studio, and drop it while the story is still hot!
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