
Chat Emoji(s) are now a million dollar empire: Kim kardashian, Steph curry, Disney and more cashing in

maxresdefaultThe Evolution of social Media and Smart phones has birthed a new baby: The Emoji!  and they have gained strength, multiplied and infiltrated every social platform from Facebook to snap chat, twitter and more.  The heart emoji was named the most popular ‘word’ of 2014 by the Global Language Monitor.

The Story changed when  Kim Kardashian had a very Kardashian idea.  if she were an Emoji, then she would be part of everyday conversations and stay relevant.  she consulted with holly wood digital company Whale rocks industries and Kimoji was born.636037

 The app costs $1.99 in the Apple Store and Newyork post reports that during the launch, at one point over 9,000 people were buying the app every second thus Kim made over $1,000,000 per minute.

with Kim’s success, more celebrities, athletes and corporations caught the emoji fever.

NBA star Steven curry came up with StephMoji, which surpassed Kim K to the top spot on the App store.   ce96qytuaaeh4kq-600x500Amber Rose also launched MovaMoji and Within one week of its launch her app earned  a reported $4 million. the fever kept spreading Justin Bieber, Blac Chyna,  Ariana Grande, Wiz Khalifa,  Future, Rick Ross…

And then corporations joined in…durex-emoji Durex, Burger King, coke, etc.

Behind these Emoji created for Celebrities, Athletes and Corporations were startup digital companies cashing in on the huge opportunity and getting large cuts from the millions being made.

Admoji, a group of three artists who create — you guessed it — emoji for advertising purposes. AppMoji produces over 15,000 of these animated icons, and has scored deals with a range of celebrities with huge followings, including Amber Rose, Rick Ross, Wiz Khalifa, and Future.

Another digital company Whale-rock Industries, the company behind Kimoji is also getting some good cuts from the millions being made.  earnings also trickle down to freelance graphic designers and illustrators that charge $60 dollar per hour and are also high in demand.


Emoji(s) are here in Africa, but a lot more can be done with them. Kim Kardashian “who has no talent” set the ball rolling in the western world.

so we are waiting to see who is hot enough to cash in right here.


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