
#US elections: From Bartender to the youngest Congress woman: Meet 29 yr old Alexandria Cortez


There is no better way to explain the American dream – 29 year old Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was working as a restaurant waitress in 2017, fast-forward into 2018 she was elected to the US congress- just because she tried

She held down a job as a waitress for many years because she needed to help her mother after her dad died. They needed to put a roof over their heads.

While  she worked her job at the restaurant, she did other things on the side- She went to Boston University and studied economics and International relations, she also joined political activism working for Ted Kennedy and Bernie Sanders,

Women like me aren’t supposed to run for office… (watch her powerful Manifesto)

She was a working class girl born to a very average family. She had no cooperate funding, she did not have the backing of the “political elite” within the Democratic Party, and she disagreed with powerful figures like Nancy Pelosi accusing  them of taking huge sums of money from cooperation’s.

During her primaries to get the democratic ticket in June 2018, no one believed she stood a chance.

It was her first time running for office and she did not have the money, all she managed to raise was $300,000 initial funding.

To make matters more difficult she was running against an incumbent who has been on the seat for almost 20 years and has won about 10 re-elections.

She was out spent in millions, as a result she organized everyday people and ran a grass root and social media campaign – from door to doors and tweet to tweet

She shocked American political Elite when she emerged the democratic choice for house of reps.

She unseated Rep. Joe Crowley-  the fourth-ranking House Democrat who had represented the Bronx and Queens district for 10 terms and was predicted by many to replace Nancy Pelosi as minority leader. He had not faced a primary challenger since 2004.

That’s when more people took notice of her, then she started making headlines, getting endorsements, and media attention…

She got positive and negative attention, some called her policies stupid and mocked her calling her uninformed and clueless

Republicans called her a big joke, she was only going to make winning the mid term elections a lot easier for them

But today -June 7th 2018, she made history again by being the youngest woman to be elected to congress. #inspired

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