2 days ago In Sowore’s American residence Haworth, New Jersey 87 yellow ribbons were tied to various trees, one to mark each day that Omoyele Sowore has been in prison. Residents in his community gathered in front of a town hall with his wife and children to demand is release

- Today is the 89th day since Omoyele Sowore was illegally abducted from his home in the early hours of August 3 by Men of the DSS
- Sowore has since been granted bail but with stringent conditions which prevent him from talking to the press, being involved with a protest and leaving Abuja.
- His bail amount initially set to 100 million was later reduced to 50 million.

- Being unable to meet with his bail conditions has met with mixed reactions, he has been ridiculed by many for not having enough clout and followers to contribute to his release, Even the judge presiding over the matter Mrs Justice Ifeoma Ojukwu allegedly ridiculed Mr. Sowore by saying:
“I find it difficult to believe a man of Sowore’s pedigree did not have anyone to deposit N50 million!”
Justice Ifeoma Ojukwu
- But his supporters think it’s ridiculous that he would be asked to pay such a huge amount of money and slapped restrictive conditions when he has not been accused of any crime or embezzled state.
- Many human rights organisations (Serap, Amnesty International) have continued to call for his released which has gathered international coverage.
- Karen Bass, an American lawmaker recently expressed concern over his continued incarceration and has called on the African Union and the United Nations to secure his release immediately. ⠀
Personally, I have some reservations about the way revolution now was carried out, it was too generic and very unspecific, such campaigns never work in Nigeria
Nevertheless he left his comfortable home in America to fight for the country. , if 1million Nigerians raise 50 Naira that is equal to 50 million. Yele Sowore is awaiting trial to begin November 6th Here is a link to his official Gofund me page – https://www.gofundme.com/f/freesoworenow
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