Tiwa is really bringing her sexy on this year; after the really sultry sugarcane video, she is back with another hot number-Get it now.
In this video, she is in gym, and the security man is observing her lustfully through the Camera(s). she is fully aware of this and makes really interesting moves urging him to get it now. ha! is Teebill seeing this
Check out the video below.
Rude boy has released the video for the song somebody baby. Also set in the scene of the gym, Paul is getting to close to some hot chic doing her workout , then her apparently rich boyfriend shows up and catches them in a compromising position.The rich bloke is played by Jim Iyke
Paul would not give up on “somebody’s baby” blocking them again at the club and attempting to get close again; of course as expected; he gets his ass whooped.
Both videos starts on the gym set. I cant help feeling they copied or got inspired by Ed sheeran’s shape of you video. may be it’s a coincidence?
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