
Nse darling, how about giving surrogacy a shot- (fun facts about wombs for rent)

By now we have heard about the tragedy that befell ace actress Nse Ekpe Etim, She had a gyno condition called Adenomyosis-

Its a problem with the uterus where cell linings are basically in the wrong places- It causes the womb to swell and extreme pain during mensuration. its so painful it can pass for the first stages of Labor ( google it for more details)

She had to have a hysterectomy (removal of the womb) which is advised if the condition becomes severe. she spoke to BBC about her journey and accepting her new reality

Sometimes during hysterectomy, the Ovaries are left behind and only the womb is taken out- that means she still produces eggs and can get a gestational surrogate to carry the baby for her through IVF.

Here are some fun facts and frequently asked questions about Surrogacy

1 ) Are you crazy, how you would tell your child you are not his real mom? Abi the baby would now have two mothers?

Answer– With gestational surrogacy I can use my egg and my husband’s sperm. The surrogate  is simply a carrier, aka womb to rent.  My eggs and husband’s sperm carry our genetic material, which makes me the real mother irrespective of who carries it.

 2) What if the woman is a witch or has spiritual problems?

Answer– That depends on if witch craft can be genetically transferred, it’s my egg and my husband’s sperm. No problem. I can only be worried if I am not the egg donor (like in the case of traditional surrogacy)

3) If she runs away with your child nko? She may grow attached to the baby and refuse to hand over the child to you?

Answer– That’s a problem, “Oyo” is my case because there are no established laws in Nigeria for surrogacy. Infact commercial surrogacy may be viewed as a crime in some parts of the country.

There are many cases in western countries where the surrogate mum refused to let go of the baby, especially if the eggs used is hers and the sperm artificially inseminated

 4) You want to disgrace me after everything i have done for you ha! What would people say?

Answer-People are doing it now, Tinubu’s daughter Iya Tinubu Ojo (Iya loja general of Lagos) had a baby through artificial insemination. It is rumored she even used an egg donor, but does it matter?  a child is a child.

5) It’s not in our culture;

Answer- it would be eventually, just like IVF and C-section, we are just too slow in playing catch-up.

The look on their face when you try to explain to a Nigeria parent the entire surrogacy process

Egg  extraction and sperm insemination in a test tube, then insertion into the woman’s body. The cash involved (approximately 30,000 dollars.) the waiting process because the embryo may not implant into the uterus.

 6) Surrogacy is immoral, the bible / Quran does not support it.

When you work a mile in my shoes, you would find a way to twist the scriptures in support of surrogacy.

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