The first thing you need to know is that Disney is starting a streaming platform (Netflix wannabe) called “Disney plus”
The Mandalorian live action Star Wars series will be the attraction that will inspire millions to subscribe to Disney’s new streaming service.

The Mandalorian will start streaming on Nov. 12, with the launch of Disney Plus. The second episode will reportedly hit on November 15, followed by weekly instalments- Nov. 22, Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13, Dec 18 and Dec. 27.
According to a New York Times report, the first season contains about 10 episodes will enjoy a 100 million dollars budget
Executive producer of the series Jon Favreau was the director of the Iron man.
According to him, the movie inspired by old western american movies (Clint Eastwood) and samurai films,

He is already writing season 2 and hopes to direct one of the episodes
The stars that would feature in the Mandalorian series
Pedro Pascal (best known for playing Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones) he will be the man behind the helmet: a lone Mandalorian gunfighter operating in the outer reaches of the galaxy.
Some might say he has questionable moral character, he flies a ship called the Razor Crest and does whatever it takes to survive.
Carl Weathers: Best known for playing Apollo Creed in the Rocky films, Weathers will play Greef, the head of a loose coalition of bounty hunters who sends the Mandalorian on a special mission.

Full list of key cast members- includes Pedro Pascal Gina Carano Giancarlo Esposito Emily Swallow Carl Weathers Omid Abtahi Werner Herzog and Nick Nolte
How is it related to the recent Star Wars movie –
In summer 2018, The movie producer Favreau revealed that the show will be set seven years after Return of the Jedi (so six years after the Empire’s final defeat at the Battle of Jakku and 23 years before The Force Awakens)
Grammy and Oscar winning Swedish composer, popular for Creed 2, venom and black panther – Ludwig Goransson would compose the series sound track
Critic reviews are in, they watched 30 minutes of the movie on October 19 – (The critics are those big shots in the media that get to watch the movie before the rest of us)
But wait, how are Nigerians going to watch it- Weeeeeelllllllllllll, Disney plus, the only legal way you can watch it will only be available in America, Canada and Australia. Europe has to wait till 2020. it cost 7 dollars per month- adjusted for inflation across the world
They said nothing about Africans-(thats how they take us for granted). Alaba, do your thang! Naija go buy am for traffic.
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