
Crypst of Winterfell – GOT season 8 teaser explained. (video)


House stark is back together!  Jon snow the warrior and Arya the Assassin together in a single frame- girl cannot wait for April 19th. Let’s watch the trailer again together, then we would chat

That moment Jon snow pulls out his sword Long Claw and Arya her sword needle, and stand ready to protect Sanza- ….( I need some time to take this all in)

Here is the trailer breakdown

The most important take away from the teaser would be Jon snow’s struggle with his heritage – The trailer has thrust him forward as the most important character of the series

All the quotes at the Winter fell Crypts is are about Jon Snow-

Cut to the opening scene as Jon snow walks past a statue of his mother Lyanna ” you have to Protect him” she quotes”- she said this to Nerd Stark after Jon snow was  was born as revealed by Bran

As Sansa worked past the Statue of her mother,  Catelyn Stark’s  quote was brought back to life- All this evil has befallen my family because i could not get myself to love a motherless child ( she was discussing Jon snow with Robb stark’s wife)

Cut back again to Jon Snow as he walked past Ned Stark statue- “you are a stark, you may not have my name, but you have my blood” Ned stark said this to Jon snow before he left for Kings landing

Almost everything in the teaser is talking about Jon snow- his mixed parentage makes him the one true king- A combination of Ice (stark ) and fire ( Tagareyn)

Bran Stark missing from the trailer and what does the Statues really reveal

Bran Stark is not in the trailer, there have been conspiracy theories that he is somewhat connected to the Night King – we would have to wait and see.

The statues also show that Jon snow is old while Arya and Sanza is still quite young- HBO wants us to imagine this foreshadows the deaths of Sanza and Arya- but am not falling for it- they may just be trying to confuse us and throw conspiracy theorist in another direction. They would never give away the story that easily

The story behind the fallen feather seen in the teaser…is somewhat symbolic ( core GOT fans only)

Robert Baratheon placed the feather on Lyanna’s hands in season 1

The feather was picked up from the floor and dusted again in season 5 by Sanza when she discussed Lyanna with lord Baelish.

Again in this teaser, when Jon Snow passed Lyanna statue the feather fell off again- 

The feather keeps falling is symbolic that the person who placed it in her arms (Robert Baratheon) was never meant for her. her true love was Rheager Targaryen – Jon snow’s father.

Am i the only one who noticed that Sanza was front and center and the Jon snow and Arya were like her guards #ladyofwinterfell

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