Funke Akindele is going to play a key role in Marvel’s biggest super hero movie ever and by defacto 2018’s most anticipated movie. It’s the 10th anniversary since Marvel’s first avenger series Iron Man, thus the avenger infinity would be the best yet and packed with all the super heroes and stars: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hems-worth, and Scarlet Johansson etc.
So how did Funke Akindele come into the picture? believe it or not it has something to do with historical warriors, Dahomey women soldiers.
Thousands of years ago in 18th century Benin republic, bordering Nigeria in the North-west was a fierce group of female warriors called the Dahomey women. They were agents of death, justice and war. Their role was to protect the farm king who seats on the throne of Dahomey (now called Benin Republic)
According to historical studies compiled by UNESCO, these women were chosen from various West African provinces in the 18th century, these provinces are now called Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Benin.
After selection, they underwent beastly training, gave up on marriage and kids and became formidable warriors, so strong and powerful that nearby leaders did not want to get close to these women on negative terms.
These fearsome women soldiers surpassed their male counterparts in courage and effectiveness in combat particularly in the battles of Savi (1727), Abeokuta (1851 and 1864) and Ketu (1886), as well as during the two wars against the French, until the fall of Abomey in 1892. This final battle resulted in the dissolution of their army.
The Black Panther’s all female guards Dora Milaje was inspired by the18th century Dahomey women of Benin Republic.that is the role Funke Akindele would play
Black Panther comic book writer Christopher James priest took inspiration from these Dahomey women when he created the Wankanda guards Dora Milaje (wakanda is the kingdom that the Black Panther rules)
Like the Dahomey women, the Dora Milage were guards to the King of Wakanda, protector of the kingdom and his throne. They are powerful and deadly
Enter Funke Akindele;
In trying to keep to the originality of the Dahomey women who inspired the emergence of the Dora Milage, the film makers needed a West African woman from the very region the original Dahomey women came from. Mostly Benin republic and surrounding locations like Nigeria
The woman chosen had to be black, and have a strong fierce African look.
Funke Akindele in shaven head and makeup effects can pass for a warrior, a guard, and solider.
that explains why she chopped off her hair in may last year (probably for the role)
Cant wait to see her in her shaved head doing sword fights.
She would probably play a small role, as body guard and warrior to one of the avengers, but It’s an opportunity of a lifetime. Slay it girl, the world is your stage.
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