
Lets welcome Will Smith to Instagram – View 5 hilarious reasons to follow him (watch)

Will smith was a late comer to Instagram and YouTube. He recently joined the social network Platform after getting coached by Ellen DeGeneres on her show. She taught him some acronyms like TBT- (Throw back Thursdays) plus how to do the duck face and mirror selfies; this was on Dec 14th.

Now barely two months later, he is already a pro with over 7.7million followers and averaging 5 million likes per post. His Instagram posts are hilarious, inspirational, funny and unfiltered.

These are four hilarious videos from his Instagram feed

Will smith prepares for the Superbowl …with military precision and seriousness that was simply amusing to watch.


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Making a parody of his son’s video:

His son has a music video that has hit 100million streams on spotify. he made a parody of the video as a way to congratulate his son.

Who is fanning your flames? an inspirational message that encourages people to hang with the right crowd.

Who are the people that are fanning your flames?

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Waiting for Jada to come home.you know that song you sing when you’re bored.

YouTube stupid; a new phrase he coined for people who buy unnecessary gear for YouTube Videos.

Will Smith is G.O.A.T. he has conquered music, movies, comedy, Sit-coms; now he is taking on social media. That’s Hot!!!

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